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Film & TV
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So I was 14 when this came out, I cannot remember if I saw this in the Cinema or not, but I do know I had this on DVD for a long time, a great series apart from the very last instalment, I was not impressed with that at all, but the others, where fantastic.


agreed the most recent movie was really off the mark

Sturmer's avatar

Matrix's OST (soundtracks) are breathtaking!

Horror and Cats's avatar

The Matrix was my introduction to Rage Against the Machine (Calm Like a Bomb during the credits).

Also Spybreak by Propellerheads was the lobby shooting spree track. I’ll still randomly hum that when feeling spicy. Do-do-doodle-le-doo-da-doo-da-dooooo

Horror and Cats's avatar

Ouch, suddenly I remember I have brittle bones.

Thomas's avatar

It really holds up, even if it definitely feels very much of its time, it commits so hard to its aesthetic that it really works. I love it, and I only watched the two sequels relatively recently for the first time and loved them, too. It's a shame it didn't stay as trilogy because I hated Resurrections.

If I remember correctly, the bullet time effect was created with a special camera that runs the film along a track, and exposes every frame at the same time

Horror and Cats's avatar

I remember watching the special features and (for at least the scene where Smith and Neo lock in the air in the subway) they had a huge ring of still cameras which took images milliseconds apart.


aww yeah I used to watch all of this in the special features on my dvd lol very cool stuff

Horror and Cats's avatar

The Matrix was part of of my identity as a teen so I was alllllll over those special features haha


true they should have left it as a trilogy!

Boomer's avatar

The Matrix really was a masterpiece. I'm not convinced part 2 and 3 of the trilogy were necessary, and I really wasn't a fan of the latest one.

Have you seen Animatrix?

It's a compilation of short videos (episodes?) set in the Matrix universe, but each is a self-contained story with their own animation style. Absolutely recommend checking it out if you haven't seen it!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Animatrix is dope. Some of the stories are a little too experimental for me, but you'll get that with basically any anthology in any genre.

Boomer's avatar

That's fair, some were pretty out there.

The one about localised physics glitches was cool and a bit odd, but the pre-war section about human-AI politics was so interesting!


oh I have not seen animatrix! Is it on Netflix or anything? I really enjoyed the second matrix and the third one was ok but the recent one was not good at all

Boomer's avatar

It looks like you can stream it on Prime Video for £10. It's well worth it!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Digital Detox Jesus.

Love it, but if you touch me with your religion, you will feel my impact.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I live in the US. I feel this strongly right now

Makster's avatar

Absolutely loved this film growing up. Sequels didn't live up to the first and Resurrection... well at least it was created under the creativity of one of the original directors.

Also trivia, the character Switch from the first movie was supposed to change from woman in the 'real' world and then appear as a female in the matrix which is why their appearence was intentionally androgynous and hence their name as well but WB shot down that concept. So the film was ahead of its time by a long shot when it came to identifying as a different gender in the Matrix compared to the 'real' world


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