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Film & TV

Film & TV
Makster's avatar

Spirited Away Child didn't want to eat out at the restaurant so wandered into a Turkish Bathhouse during Halloween

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ve never seen that one, but from what I know, that is indeed a gross simplification haha

mar1gold 's avatar

American Psycho - Materialism, overconsumption and Capitalism is pretty cool actually ;)

Horror and Cats's avatar

LMAO alternatively, “a strange future where ATMs accept kittens as deposits.”

CelestialFlea's avatar

Tomorrow Never Dies - Dude really hates waiting for his morning papers so he makes a speedboat so he can make news faster.

Roo's avatar

Titanic - A car is misused and possibly damaged by a couple of passionate young people but ultimately the owner is able to claim for a new car due to significant failings in the storage facility they used to house the vehicle

Horror and Cats's avatar

Holy crap, that’s amazing hahaha


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