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Film & TV

Film & TV
Sturmer's avatar

My general rule: wait till at least 3 seasons are aired, as I Iike to watch the shows in marathon mode.

Boomer's avatar

I've not watched it yet but it's quickly moving up the list based on what I've read!

Is Batman one of you go-to heroes? I like him in relation to other characters rather than as a character in his own right.

For example I love that the Joker makes Batman absurd by having him engage with his wacky style of villainy, whereas he can seem like a beast when compared to Falcone/Maroni's basic mobsters.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

While I'm not in love with 'brooding billionaire' as a superhero concept, it's hard not to love at least one incarnation of Batman. And he was certainly my favourite growing up.


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