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Film & TV
Makster's avatar

I'm actually surprised Cobra Kai hasn't already finished

Boomer's avatar

Ha same! It's super cheesy but it does have a strange charm 😄

JHenckes's avatar

Gladiator 2, without a doubt! The first movie is very memorable for me.

Dave's avatar

Silo from this list, I have read the first book but not 2 & 3 . Still Kinda ruined it although I actually thought the tv series was much better than the first book. A rare case of the tv show going into much more detail, scene setting & character building than the book does.

I also think the tv series has a much better mystery element with the forbidden artefacts.

The diplomat S2 had also released on Netflix this month. Just started watching the new series tonight. The first one was pretty good. Nothing special, just decent.

  • Silo 2 on TV, I am intrigued after how the first season ended, I hope that they don't make it another the walking dead.

  • Heretic on cinema, the creepy and Escher vibes of the trailer got my attention.


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