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Film & TV
CelestialFlea's avatar

I'm quite interested to see how it plays out but I'm not setting my expectations too high for a big middle finger to the PG era because Levesque already said that won't be happening, that there won't be any blood or foul language because "It's a family friendly, advertiser friendly show" and he wants it to stay that way.

But what I am hoping for is less of the childish censoring that has been going on with Peacock and the other networks censoring crowd chants that EVERYONE knows what's being said, leading to whole segments virtually muted out. Sometimes certain language helps sell the impact of something big or unexpected happening, or just adds to the entertainment value. For example; The Rock doing his a'hole thing with the fans, that's fun, that's entertaining.

I'm hoping for a little more flexibility with writing, scripts and creative talent. Perhaps changing the rating for PPVs might be a good shout as a compromise though?

Makster's avatar

Nah WWE has been toxic and probs uncomfortable supporting an organisation that Vince managed


Yeah I am but more so in the hope we get all the awesome documentaries, as I find the behind the scenes more interesting than the actual Product these days


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