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Film & TV

Film & TV
Nicole's avatar

Ooh this is a great question!

My top rewatches are probably Bob's Burgers, Archer and The Office US (just started a rewatch this week).


Ohhh the US office, that’s a good one!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Oof, It's Always Sunny, The Simpsons, and Peep Show!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

For me it is either Twin Peaks, or the first season of True Detective. Other options being Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I think Whose Line is it Anyway is one of those shows I could literally just loop front to back for the rest of my life. Not binging it, but whenever there was a half hour to kill, watch the next episode and just keep it going like that forever.

I've been known to do that with Futurama as well. Except there are two episodes I skip every time because I ain't about that crying life lol. If you watched Futurama, you know the two.

Konquest's avatar

It's The Simpsons for me too! i can just leave it on a loop in the background while I work. Also early days Southpark, started to go downhill for me after things started becoming PC. Non-cartoon TV series I would say The Expanse & Scrubs.


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