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Film & TV
Boomer's avatar

Ok there's some seriously questionable science going on here...billions of werewolves but only millions of deaths? Surely werewolves would need to eat more than that to keep up their muscle density 💪🐺😱 That's just basic xenobiology! 😆

Joking aside this actually sounds quite fun!

Also, I like the new content format 😊

Horror and Cats's avatar

That is probably like, the least questionable science of the movie haha. I was also confused by the numbers. I wonder if the script transposed the B and the M and they were like eff it.

Yeah like I said I enjoyed it, but $20 for renting it is a little too much. $6 rental at best.

Thanks! I’ve done them before, but stopped for no explicit reason. A subscriber poll said they wanted the series to return so now whenever I watch any sort of new home-video release, I blast out a roughly 60 second script.


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