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Kerri's avatar

The roadmap looks great and it’s definitely good to let everyone know all the exciting things you have planned! 🙌🤩

What sort of thing do you have in mind for personalisation and customisation options (on the roadmap for beta)?

Also will you be enabling connecting an Instagram account for us aging millennials? 😜

Joel's avatar

Instagram threw a bit of a strop when we first launched so we had to put it on time out, but it should be back in the very near future.

Personalisation will initially be around being able to display/filter content to your own taste, and set up your feeds just so, and then we're looking at badges (user- and community-specific), avatar options, profile pages, and potentially even Just About You. (Not you specifically, obviously...)

Rupert's avatar

Instagram integration now fixed! Please give it a whirl :)


Roadmap looks decent for now. Just like you all, I'm quite excited to see how the platform would turn out. :)

Damien Mason's avatar

I have fantastic first impressions, so this looks great. Long road ahead, but these things take time and I can't wait to see where it's headed.

Joel's avatar

Cheers Damien - nice to see you!

Damien Mason's avatar

It's wonderful to see you too, and going from strength to strength.


Looks good! Is there any plans for a native Mobile app for Android and iOS?

Also what are we thinking Discord integration may look like? Is this something deeper than connecting your discord to your profile potentially? Could be interesting... keep up the good work!

Rupert's avatar

Oops, missed your reply here!

A Mobile app is definitely in the plan.

Discord bot: We hope to offer something that allows people to view/submit to bounties, vote, view/contribute to discussions etc without needing to leave Discord... it'd be cool to have a 'companion' Just About community for Discord servers who want one, or install our bot on official game servers ie. so people can interact with Just About EVE Online via the official EVE Discord.

Kings Court's avatar

Noooooo !!! I should have waited for Referral rewards ! loool

Just dropped the info in to our Community discord for all the streamers to look at and get involved in !

Oh well !! as long as people enjoy it and it also helps the site that is all that really matters !


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