Just throwing this out there as an idea. Should there be a need for any future funding rounds for the company, what do you or users think about something similar to what Monzo has done in the pasthttps://monzo.com/invest/ Where they allowed customers to take a tiny ownership stake via a crowd funding round? Similar in a way to employee ownership schemes, it encourages brand advocates and a sense of ownership (in a very small way) of the product/company and encourages brand loyalty etc etc. One option could be that users save up their bounty funds if they havent cashed them out and can have an choice to use these to fund the round.
Obviously people would need to understand what it actually means and that there may never be a return on the investment, but thats more for the legal side. My assumption is this would all be far to complicated given the figures involved compared to something the size of Monzo but given the issues in recent times of forums and such like being sold off and the users revolting and making a big protest about it, just throwing it out there as something that came into my head after reading the "how will traffic be generated" post today.
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