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Philip's avatar

There'd have to be some sort of goodies that get unlocked for milestones on capital raised... Like t-shirts and gold member accounts.

But I'm curious now. Is Just About privately owned by anyone in particular. What's the current ownership situation?

Rupert's avatar

The company is privately owned & controlled by myself and our staff members. To fund the development of the business & platform we sold a minority stake to Play Ventures and some individual angel investors.

Rupert's avatar

I would love it if we're able to build something that people believe in and want to be part of in this way! It's been on my mind since we started: how do we involve our members as genuine partners and stakeholders in the platform we're building?

For me, it's less about any need to raise funds, but it's about having alignment between the platform, the business and the communities we host. It seems that when platforms (websites/ forums, etc) lose their way it's usually when there's a significant divergence between what the business is trying to do and the best interests of community members.

I like the idea that you could convert your accumulated rewards into some form of equity in the platform. So it's not for outside speculators to buy into (which is what happens to a lot of crypto token-based projects), but it's a longer-term participation in the platform available to it's most valued and genuinely committed members.

Philip's avatar

I remember early conversations that contributors to the platform would earn money for their posts (like how YouTube shares ad revenue).

Is that still the plan or will bounties be the way of sharing the $$ with top contributors?

To be honest, I'm confused with how the cross posting of content from other platforms and where it's all hosted would play out in the context of ad revenue sharing. If someone shares something from YouTube would YouTubes ads show on Just About?

Rushlock's avatar

Far as I'm aware, there will be ads on the Just About page that links to the YT content in your example.

Philip's avatar

Like ads you scroll past?

Rupert's avatar

The current plan (and nothing is set in stone, of course!) is:

  • There'd be no ads in the community space (ie. discussions) itself. We want to keep this as clean as possible for members.

  • We will put ads on community curated content (such as this) and any revenue here is split 50/50 with the community Treasury.

We can't monetise members' YouTube/TikTok etc videos (the creator receives that revenue -- so they would receive their bounty reward from us and any other monetisation from the platform that hosts those videos) but we can monetise pages that host embedded videos ie. If we do a "Top 10 videos on X topic" we can put some ads around those, and share it back with the Treasury.

Rushlock's avatar

I like the concept, and as you hit on in your 2nd section, both transparency and a sizeable effort to simplify the concept to the micro-investor would be key. As it would be assumed that the user has never interacted in this capacity before, and you'd want to prevent someone throwing money at the screen in ignorance or lack of clarity. To a reasonable degree of course.

I guess another question would be, would the funds from such an avenue outweigh potential blowback when someone "gets mad" that they did something reckless with their own money, and want to blame JA for it? Might be a hard one to answer in advance.

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