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Rupert's avatar

Congrats to our first 20 members for being part of this historic moment! 😁

I’ve emailed the people affected already, but some quick additional notes:

  • Only one member with a wallet balance above $25 hasn’t connected their PayPal. When done, we’ll make this payment manually.

  • Two members had account issues at the PayPal end. When fixed, the money should appear in your wallet.

Please do let us know if you spot any other bugs or quirks! Ensuring the bounties and rewards work smoothly and the process completes with successful payouts is super important as we gear up to launch more communities, invite new members and start to increase the amounts of money involved.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

That's probably me xD

I'm used to being the problem child :)

Rupert's avatar

Yep! And now fixed, I gather…

Rupert's avatar

One other thing… 4 members got stung for some horrible currency conversion fees.

We’ve now changed the way it works so that doesn’t happen again, but we’re going to manually credit your wallet with $5 each to make up for it. 🙏🏽

Melicien Tetro's avatar

:3 Thank you for such a great platform!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Really exciting to be part of this, the curated articles being produced are excellent and I'm really enjoying the platform as a whole. The bounties and payouts make it even more special. Now I'll just resolve my Paypal issues so that I can enjoy the reward :D

FUN INC's avatar

Thanks once again! Great job!! Keep those bounties rolling in!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I bought Plex from it from the Game to the Game :P


Well I fell short by a bit but that's cool, it's been a busy couple of weeks for me at home. Not here to make money although I am intrigued to see what would happen if I just went full-time on it to see what would happen :p


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