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Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hello from another couch-coop, Adventure Time, and Spaced lover.

Boomer's avatar

Beginnings of a Halo night coming together!

Kirra Luan's avatar

Hi Tom! Visual languages is what I'm interested in as well and it's a pleasure to listen to a story from a graphic designer-one of the dream jobs I want to do.

It'll be better for user experience if you can expand more content on your personal profile I suppose. I still have no idea why there's a level system... I hope I can get more surprises in my personal profile such as posts I liked, posts I posted, the progress of many badges etc.

Tom's avatar

Great feedback @KirraLuan! It's great to hear from another visual languages fan! Do you have a favourite designer or design movement? I'm a big Josef Müller-Brockmann / Swiss modernism fan myself 🤓

A more expansive personal profile is definitely something that's lurking in the roadmap and the 'level system' is a good one to flag too!

Because we're always refining and reprioritising to solve the most immediate challenge, there are a few features like that which exist in a very basic form already but definitely need an improved UX. The level system is (broadly) part of our Organic Rewards system and will one day factor in to badges, privileges, and even financial rewards for users who are all round good eggs, rewarding users who bring a positive presence to the platform. The great news is that some of that functionality is already in place but it's not as easy to see and understand as we want it to be (yet) - hence the random references to it you will have seen. The missing piece is the UX, exactly like you say. We're still working on how users flow through the platform and where they interact. Once we have more data on that (as well as more users and communities!) we will have the missing pieces to calibrate the level system and properly hook it up to the rewards system! But, before we can do that (and the improved profiles too), there's a lot still to be done on the next steps of our primary roadmap for our Beta phase 👀

Wings's avatar

Bioshock is the perfect point between joy and fear except I'm mostly afraid for all of it. Awesome game!

Tom's avatar

I've recently played Deathloop which had a lot of Bioshock-esque mechanics and mystery to it but was a lot less horror-oriented. Far fewer jump scares! Would recommend!

Seán 's avatar

Hey Tom nice to meet you.

Tom's avatar

Hey Seán 👋 You too! Great to have you on the platform!

FUN INC's avatar

Hello there! Good to see another musician in the fold! :)

Tom's avatar

Musician might be overstating it! What's your weapon of choice FUN INC ?

FUN INC's avatar

haha! - weapon of choice is probably my razor wit. But outside of that, predominantly the guitar (rock and heavy metal is my jam), but more recently bass and keys for synth and midi programming etc - ironically with the introduction of the latter, my guitar playing and songwriting has dropped off focussing on a more atmospheric / cinematic style.

Thomas's avatar

I love playing bass while not being that good at it because it feels like playing Guitar Hero. What DAW do you use for sequencing?

FUN INC's avatar

I've used a variety, but I was put onto Reaper - i find it has given me the best results and is most user friendly.

I also acquired one of these for recording midi, and use a variety of air synths - mini-grand, hybrid, velvet, loom amongst others. Super fun, and some great sounding material :)

Thomas's avatar

Awesome, I love Reaper! Is your music anywhere online or is it all just personal for now?

FUN INC's avatar

Yup it is online - this is where it would be great to have DM capability!

Let's see you work to find it .... let's just say Maggie May, minus the D, plus a bert, and add an F in the Middle!

Thomas's avatar

Awesome! I think I found it, the track with the initials OD is great, it sounds like it could be in Hotline Miami

Samuel's avatar

Hey Tom! We'd gladly have ya over here in NZ! All the best!

Tom's avatar

Thanks Samuel ! I thought I might've blown my chances by saying NZ was "basically Wales" 😬 I should clarify that I love Wales!


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