Happy Mondays to all at Just About! Let’s take our usual look at the week just gone and just ahead.
The EVE Online mystery continues…
Big news from New Eden: the second stage in our mystery bounty has been solved, and the third is now live! For non-EVE folks, this is a long-running experimental bounty with big rewards, and our effort to test the limits of the bounty system.
The first two stages involved a few devious puzzles, and the pursuit of a strange character across the platform and into the social media hinterlands. We’re really pleased with a few of the moments along the way, but it all took a little longer than intended.
Another oddball named Jackbeard has now wrested control in order to pose a different challenge, one based not on puzzle-solving but on in-game feats, so if you’ve been sleeping on the mystery bounty so far, now’s your chance to take another look. Head on over to stage three and see what Jackbeard has to say.
Elsewhere, we’re heading into the second week of EVE Online’s Havoc expansion, so keep an eye out for more bounties to get you into the new content! A sneak peek: tomorrow we’ll ask you to kill, or score a kill with, the new ships.
How do you structure your days as a content creator?
Over on Just About Content Creators, the mission continues: support folks looking to take this challenging pursuit to the next level. This time, how do you create a schedule for yourself, whether or not you’re juggling creation alongside a nine-to-five? Help your fellow creators put together a programme and keep their uploads consistent.
We’ll be back tomorrow with another Meet the Team post - see you around the platform! - Rich
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