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Alex Sinclair's avatar

I wish somebody had told me that we're allowed to bring our llamas to work, finding a sitter has been a nightmare

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Hello, welcome to the team and look forward to working with you here

P.S you look like my dad

Retro Stu's avatar

I can't help but read "I still want to be James Bond" and think of the Peep Show episode where Mark says "You're not James Bond you're disgusting" and Jeremy says in his head "I am James Bond!"

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I can relate to the moving house nightmares. I said never again way too many times, but then was forced to move again XD I wish it worked like "Beam me up Scotty!" then I would move to a nice house far away from people in the Alps.

FUN INC's avatar


I don't think you're the only one to want to be James Bond... everyone wants to be James Bond at some point in their lives!! :D


I feel you on moving house. It's been a few years, but we moved ~300 miles to a new place. The only good part was being forced to downsize a bunch and everything else was not fun at all.

Seán 's avatar

Hey Joel. Nice to meet you.


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