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Retro Stu's avatar

I have an Archer too! We always knew he was going to be in the daaaaaanger zooooooone.

Echo on the left, Archer on the right!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Aw! I’m assuming they are littermates? The danjah zown twins.

Retro Stu's avatar

They are indeed brothers. We've had them for 7 years this year. Adopted from the RSPCA back in 2017.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Rescue babies are the best babies

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Here is Vixen, our little rescue dog.

Sturmer's avatar

Hmm, we need an Animal section at JA!

Horror and Cats's avatar

I agree! I was looking at the road map and figured it was too early to ask for one, so I made my own lol. But totally a “Pets and Animals” section would be phenomenal.

Sturmer's avatar

and then plant and environment, table top, cosplay, warhammer, MTG, IT humor... its a dangerous road lol

Horror and Cats's avatar

Indeed. Eventually I’ll need a “Horror” sub thread in Film & TV, but I’m not looking to ruffle feathers and bother anyone so early on haha

Nicole's avatar

I am very lucky to have this sweet little monster

Nicole's avatar

Yep! Her name is Rose and she rules this household

Horror and Cats's avatar

Your poor, poor vacuums 🫡

Nicole's avatar

Fortunately we only have to really deal with it twice a year when her seasonal coat changes. But the next one is only weeks away...

Horror and Cats's avatar

My boys are half husky and that half is their booties. I call it their "snow pants" and the annual snow-pant exodus began last week so I'm right there with you. Also as far as I can tell I may be the only US user on here, but since I've been lurking Platform32 for years I know "pants" means something different to you lol.

Nicole's avatar

What's their shed like as crosses as I know full Huskies shed just like Rose? Just...snowing indoors 😅

Nicole's avatar

I know! I'm not a morning person but they are definitely significantly improved by waking up to her smile

Thomas's avatar

This is my adopted son, Peanut!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Hello, Peanut! Welcome to the pet-party, pal!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Hello, Indie! Labrador? My two boys are husky-labs, or as I call them, Labradorks.

Holly's avatar

yep! She’s my partners red lab - very cute, definitely not the most intelligent dog the world has ever seen but we love her!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Labs make up for it by being too much love for the package they came in. They might not be solving any puzzles, but they love you with every fiber of their being :)

Horror and Cats's avatar

Nicole learned there are only 7 nested reply levels currently XD

The shedding is bad, but not full body, it's literally JUST their butts. I play "he loves me, he loves me not" while pulling out little tufts until they stop me. Whatever they stop me on is the answer lol

Nicole's avatar

Yes! The level of nested replies is in our wonderful tech team's to-do list.

They really do just have snow pants 😂 pulling out the little tufts is so addictive and my sammy just sighs and waits for me to get bored (psst, I don't get bored)

Horror and Cats's avatar

I had a husky/timber wolf mix years ago and that was his exact response haha. Just siiiighhhh, do what makes you happy, dad.

Nicole's avatar

They sigh way too much for creatures who don't pay any of the bills

Horror and Cats's avatar

Seriously. My German Shepard puppy sighs like my dad. Oh sure, you bork at the deer real well, but you try and manage a Power BI file, punk. See how you sigh then

Tom's avatar

This is Toby - Just About's unofficial Junior Designer. He's our least productive staff member by a long shot but he's good for morale on the design team 😸

Nicole's avatar

Toby was a personality hire 😂

legs0fmetal's avatar

This Marge and she is a sweet senior rescue kitty with a sad yet adorable resting crank face.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I love hearing about senior rescues! Given a golden guy/gal good sunset years is one of the best things you can do. I had a senior rescue Maine Coon. One eye, dreadlocks full of leaves most of the time, but an amazing chest-sleeper.

legs0fmetal's avatar

Marge is also a chest sleeper funnily enough, and she's a drooler 😂

Thomas's avatar

Oh my god she's so pretty! She reminds me of a tortie I had growing up

Lanah Tyra's avatar

that little sad face is adorable ❤️

Games Press Steve's avatar

This is Coco, the Games Press Development office dog.

Wings's avatar

First of all, she looks like an incredible good girl

Games Press Steve's avatar

She was a puppy when this was taken, and is now 5 years old, but she is a very good girl. Mostly. As long as a squirrel doesn't scramble over the office roof and down the tree next to the window.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Coco has that proud superhero pup stance down.

Damien Mason's avatar

Meet Boo.

She's the most loving kitty I've ever met. Not a day goes by when she doesn't demand cuddles, head bumps, blinks and winks. I've never seen a gentler soul. She goes bonkers over treats, but she'll never bite or scratch you. She respectfully takes it out of your hand.

And today is her birthday! Or, you know, adoption day, since we don't know when her true birthday is as a rescue.

Nicole's avatar

She's so pretty! Look at those big eyes 😍


My grumpy little queen Whiskey

MargotCandy's avatar

Oh my goodness! What a mix of characters! Growing up I have always had cats and I was always of the opinion that a house is not a home without a cat or dog. Unfortunately my other half is allergic to cats and dogs ... so we got some ferrets (after testing if he is allergic or not).

They are kind of like a mix between a cat and a puppy in terms of effort of care.We have 4, Eli, Raleigh and Margot who are nearly 3 and siblings and Morph who is nearly 2.

All rescues and bonkers.

(Sorry for posting a link to social media, my pics of them seem to be too big to post in the threads here).

Horror and Cats's avatar

Look at the snake kittens! I love ferrets so much. Glad you and your SO could get some rescue pets they aren’t allergic to!


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