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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Thank you for the payout this month. My wife promptly dragged me into the city to buy makeup and I’m going to the pub tnite! Love this site and you guys and gals!

Dave's avatar

For everyone who got a payout, consider buying Nightingale so you can join us in the community on here (and have access to more bounties to enter). It's $30 on steam, a bit less on third party shop fronts.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Exactly what I did when the game came out, spent my earnings from here to buy the game, and already got that money back by bounties I completed for the community. Feels good man

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Time to get that StreamDeck ❤️

Platform32's avatar

I haven't entered any Bounties yet, but my organic rewards are ticking up slowly just through interactions on the site which is a lovely thing to see 😊

Sturmer's avatar

New camera soon yay! Thank you

Dave's avatar

Already above the threshold for next month after 1 day! (Mostly from nightingale tower challenge)

This month's payout was 3x what I've got in all other months combined, thanks to the big increase in communities/spaces and therefore lots more bounties to choose from and more organic rewards.

I did put a lot more effort in though both in number of submissions and their quality. A lot of months ive not done the bounties and just stuck the the standard discussions occasionally.

FUN INC's avatar

Thanks JA - can confirm this is amazeballs - I've loved being part of this right from the start!

TheGrapeOfSpades's avatar

I second Dave who reccomends Nightingale, Its great fun. It's lovely that all of the communtities here are freindly and polite


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