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Kane Carnifex's avatar

A word by word story.. nice ok.



Can we ask for a letter and know if it's there?

Dave's avatar

Lol probably not. They will slowly reveal and tease the new community assuming that's what it's teasing like the did with Nightingale. If it is a community. I assume it's a game but it could also be under any of the other categories I guess.

Dave's avatar

Just realised there is a little blurred image to the left and not just the text.

Sturmer's avatar

Its a new community 'Console Games' And the picture is a classic 'triangle' of JA.

Like this.

Damien Mason's avatar

Very impressive guess but the 'm' is one character too far to the right for that.

Damien Mason's avatar

Dragons Dogma, in preparation for Dragon's Dogma 2. Very nice!

For some reason, I can't wrap a portion of this message in spoiler tags, in case I'm right. Sorry if this spoils anything for anyone!

Dave's avatar

Sounds very plausible. It's out on 22nd march so the chances of another game matching the length and letters plus being released in the next few weeks isn't very likely!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

We will have to see, personally I like mystery, of course my brain went elsewhere there lol


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