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Damien Mason's avatar

That's one hell of a photo!

We've spoken quite a bit, but it's wonderful to learn a bit more about you.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Damien, I've really enjoyed speaking with you.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Love the photo! Never been to Japan so can't say for sure if I would definitely want to live there, but it has high chance based on the culture and food alone.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Lanah! I'm sure it would be quite a tricky place to live, but you'd never be short of wonder.

Tom's avatar

+1 for Detectorists ❤️

Roo's avatar

The Guardian article about your travels with your Nan is beautiful Alex 🙏

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Aw thank you very much for reading it and saying so. She had quite the life and continues to inspire!

FUN INC's avatar

I think this photo just won the internet!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


He is also the demons spawn


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Lovable demon spawn works for me 😅

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

okay let’s go with that angle then haha

Sturmer's avatar

Nice to meet you, I bet there is a great story behind that photo!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

We were staying with an eagle-hunter family in a super-remote spot up in the mountains. It was very special. These guys are the real deal:

Nicole's avatar

Bioshock, yes. Everything Everywhere All At Once, yes. Firefly, yes. Being an excellent grandson, yes.

Outdoing the entire JA team with an epic photo....ugh, fine.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. To be fair, you all have really cute cats and dogs and I don't, so I needed to get my own back somehow.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Full on The Mummy Medjai in that photo. Keep Horus safe, he’s more than just a messenger.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

There would have been no greater compliment to 13-year-old Alex. Ardeth Bay was my hero.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I always wanted to be Rick O’Connell but Ardeth is definitely the classy choice haha


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