Hey everyone, this is your weekly ‘what’s happening?’ post. The answer, as it turns out, is: quite a lot!
Behind-the-scenes updates and bug fixes
Our tech team has been stomping bugs with their usual, admirable ferocity, including an issue that hid text behind the footer on mobile devices and another which prevented the ‘report’ button from showing. We’ve also been working on some very important backend developments, all designed to help JA scale. We’ll wait until they’re ready to take out of the oven before we reveal them to you, but rest assured that things are cooking.
Bounties at an all-time high
With all of our new Communities and Spaces, we now have more bounties live on the platform than ever before. And we’re delighted to see that submissions to our bounties aren’t suffering from dilution. In fact, last week saw two Just About Video Games bounties break our platform-wide submissions record (with 18 and 19 submissions each).
The EVE mystery bounty’s penultimate challenge
Since the dawn of Just About EVE Online, we’ve been running a multi-stage mystery puzzle with massive prizes. Stages One and Two saw Mŷs Tæ Rae sprinkle confounding puzzles and challenges across the platform, while Stage Three saw Jackbeard challenge members to an in-game ‘voyage of ruination’. You don’t need any experience of those challenges to get involved in Stage Four, which is officially live now!
After Stage Four has been completed, the final $500 bounty will be unlocked.
That’s all for now! Have a great week on and off Just About!
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Found a bug and want to report it? Share a few quick details using the report-a-bug form to help us deal with it. You can also share feedback with us by replying to this discussion.
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