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Dave's avatar

I've posted this in the wrong group.. Can you please delete or move it to content creators? I can't report my own post...

Boomer's avatar

Hey Dave, if you post it in Content Creators then tag me here, I'll come back and delete this one. I wouldn't want you to lose what you're written out!

Konquest's avatar

I agree, this is a good way. I would do the same. Example I would write my original script. Put it in ChatGPT and ask it to rewrite my whole script in the style of my fav author or person. Then get the ai to voice it then I will sort of imitate or impersonate it. Just to learn. But I discovered as well, sometimes we don’t like our own voice or style but it may be what makes us unique. I’ve seen YouTubers who sort of mumble or talk monotonously but they still have 5+mil subs and I try to see what they are doing.


I would HARD disagree for this one, I have found voice-overs where I am perfect perform way worse than me being me, conversing, mistakes and all. Doing this copying AI is removing the YOU from YouTube. People connect to people, people are not perfect. Now if your content is going to be a super high production documentary style then yeah this might be a good play, but in every other realm I would not advise anyone to do this.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I can certainly appreciate wanting to work on your voice. I had to overcome voice confrontation when first starting. However, I think learning engaging speech cadence from an AI voice, even a good one, is like learning how to love from a robot.

I promise you’ll have better results if you look to human speech. For instance (secret time) I’ve taken MOST of my scripted content “presenter voice” patterns from Seth Meyers because I really engage with that delivery style, both as a speaker and a recipient.


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