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Boomer's avatar

Thanks! Let me know if you see anything you'd want to give a shoutout 😊

MargotCandy's avatar

Nice. Looking forward to more of these summaries and posts in the future.

Boomer's avatar

They're a great way to see what's going on across the platform 🙂 We look for discussions, replies, or bounty submissions* from the previous week that start a great conversation and leave members feeling welcomed and included.

*closed bounties only

Sturmer's avatar

Sadly, closed bounties are hard to find, unless you know exactly what to look for, this issue is reported =)

Boomer's avatar

That's true, and thanks for reporting it 🙂 It's something we'll be looking at.

I just note down anything I see throughout the week, and scroll back a week in the feed just before writing so I know I've not missed anything.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Great article/digest bud, as always!

Boomer's avatar

Thanks! Members need to stop making so many discussions though...there's just too much cool stuff and I can't feature it all! 😄


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