community background


Lanah Tyra's avatar

It's not easy to find that fine line. Probably the most important quality is to lead by example. No one will trust a moderator, who is not representing the values of the community. It also builds respect, and people generally react better if they get told off by someone who is always showing a good example.

The other important quality would be a sound judgement, being able to decide if something is straight against the code of conduct or is it just a miscommunication / misunderstanding /accident and deserves the benefit of doubt.

And when it comes to the latter it is helpful to have someone who knows the community and how people talk or behave in general, because it will be an advantage when they have to approach and talk to members. For example if you regularly engage with members, it will be easy to learn who might not have English as their first language and an argument might have broken out because of language barrier.

Of course if the moderator is an active community member as well they will build close friendships with other members. If a situation would require they would have to be able to call on a fellow moderator and say "hey it's better if you handle this, because I might not be able to make a fair decision here."

And last but not least, something what 18 years of customer service taught me: treat people with respect, even if they might not deserve it.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Level-headed conflict resolution is a must. I won’t flag the conversation or parties, but I saw Alex Sinclair do a bit of artful de-escalation pretty early in my time here.

It left a positive impression for me being new on the site, especially given the way the site was advertised to me was “positivity-only” (paraphrasing and simplifying).

Beyond that, emotional intelligence paired with thorough knowledge of the ToS and a genuine desire to nurture the community and site’s integrity.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

The saying goes

"Those in power, seek one thing, more power" - I see this in mods on all Facebook pages, forums etc, they act like Stalin on a power trip. One thing about JA is that it doesn't happen here and we are quite clear on what's expected of the community here.

As long as JA sticks to its code of conduct, I think we will be fine here. I have seen several people here so far who simply don't fit in. A bounty was done and a person was essentially verballing assaulting the staff because he didn't read the post or instructions on how to submit to bounties.

I like it here, it's fun, informative and let's face it, profitable if you are active enough, but this being said, as long as stick to what we do, we will be fine

Horror and Cats's avatar

Lol I saw that too. $50 will bring out the nasty if there is nasty to be brought

Konquest's avatar

i don’t mind some hard policing either. I mean there comes a point where people get ridiculous and you just have to say “hammer time” and hit hard. Slap them with a ‘friendly warning’ or jail/suspension for a period of time if it gets to that point. The internet is very toxic and full of trolls. I’ve been a sort of grey person in the past and I can say that sometimes you just need black and white.

Konquest's avatar

Sometimes people are just begging for a good spanking 😅

Horror and Cats's avatar

I feel like I owe Boomer his due as well. Twice I’ve seen you lay a gentle guiding hand on a post which could have garnered some sass from other users. That preempt doesn’t go unseen 🫡

DerRoteKonige's avatar

I've been modding for a few years on Discord and it seems to be different for each community. The more focused or theme-specific groups, as well as the small communities, I find I generally serve more as a community liaison. This would be more like general engagement activities and things like that. With the less focused groups, and the very large ones, it's pure chaos most days and I spend the majority of my time banning repeat corn spammers or asking people to kindly change their HIGHLY questionable screen name :D.


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