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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Niduity in social media outside of adult entertainment as in nudity designed to increase "sexual presence" should be banned. Period. Twitch constantly pushes these limits, but let's face it, "Pools and bathtubs" is the biggest viewed section on that site 24/7. it is essentially "soft porn".

A code of conduct should be adhered to in "spirit" in terms of JA, non-toxic behaviour is a big one, but this being said, arguments can happen, but the people involved should be mature enough to stop.

It's a difficult one but that is my point of view.


There is a "pools and bathtubs" section on Twitch?! 👀 Inquiring for science, of course 🤣

Sturmer's avatar

it was a discovery for me too!

but according the stats its quite unpopular section actually, not sure when it was in the top

Boomer's avatar

That's the ideal outcome! Platform and members being so in sync that we come to instinctively recognise when something feels off.

Horror and Cats's avatar

If I’ve learned anything in life it’s that the letter has to be bold, underscored and italic. That way when people do try to subvert it, it’s enforceable in no ambiguous terms.

The spirit is the ideological way it should be taken and really, should be enough. But it’s not.

Boomer's avatar

There are many reasons why bold and unambiguous terms are preferrable, but there's always the concern that people will look for loopholes and technicalities. Finding the balance is the challenge! 😅

Rixx Javix's avatar

Before I hired my first employee I sat down and not only wrote an employee manual but I also created an expectation guide outlining what I expected from our employees and what they could expect from me. And then translated that into what our agency would stand for. Those guides helped us grow, hire, and maintain our employees over 12 years of incredible growth. And I learned some valuable lessons from that experience. I strongly believe we all need guardrails, guides, and an understanding about what is acceptable and outside the lines. Some people more than others. But strong guidelines help everyone and give management a position to refer back to should the situation arise.

While I do believe the spirit of such things is the most important element, without a strong and clear foundation to refer to - that spirit can easily escape your control over time.

Sturmer's avatar

How? Poor expectations management.

I'm not advocating for allowing nudity on Twitch, but I do wonder why there is viewer demand and host willingness to provide such content specifically on this platform. Understanding the reasons behind this could lead to more appropriate and effective solutions.

Censorship and bans are tools of tyranny and dictatorship. Build a healthy culture and you won't need those.

Boomer's avatar

That's a very philosophical approach, and policy is best when it's can clearly articulate its philosophical underpinning.

Personally I take a symbolic interactionist perspective, specifically social constructivism.

Sturmer's avatar

most problems arise in the word "clearly"

Makster's avatar

It'll have to be the spirit of the code of the conduct until it gets too far and then it'll be revised to the letter of the code. I believe people will always think of creative ways to push or to skirt around the code of conduct provide it is beneficial for them hence the semi-nude/ softcore adult content. It's not hard against the rules - but also laughs in the face of the spirit of it.

But to have a list of rules and having it follow to the letter can sometimes create an environment that can suffocate creativity and expression.


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