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Kane Carnifex's avatar

LAN Bootcamp Fanfest EVE:Online Vacation (Meetup)

They allways look diffrent as they sound :P

Sturmer's avatar

Most of my friends are from the internet, and most trusted business partners are guild/clan/corp members :)


It would require me being interested in meeting people in the first place 😂

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I know, we introverts don't like it outside, it's too peopley :D

Vixxy's avatar

Ive met many friends in the past, and my partner through the Internet as i generally hate going outside of my home 🤣

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Most of my friends I've met online, and some go back even as far as 18 years!

Even though it was frowned upon by my parents, back in Hungary we had regular meetings for our Star Wars and Lineage II forum community, some of these I even helped to organise.

There are also people I've been from my FFXIV community, most recently our Swedish member came over to visit her boyfriend in the UK, so we joined them with my partner for a nice day-out in York where I've never been before, it was cool.

As an introvert I'm a lot more at ease with people face-to-face who I already know, so getting to know someone online, make friendships and then meet up goes a lot easier for me than for example walk over to someone in my office and start a chat.

Oh and actually the whole reason of me ending up in Manchester from Scotland was a job recommendation from an FFXIV guild mate :D

Sturmer's avatar

yay, Lineage 2! but most of my connections are formed on unofficial servers

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Same XD I did play a bit on retail once I got money for game cards once I was working, but during uni it was private servers, was even game master on one.

Sturmer's avatar

I still have large collection of our clan history =)

On the last pic it's me and my future wife hehehe

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Oh the memories! Got still a few screenshots myself.

Sturmer's avatar

hehe emotion bar on a hotbars! reminds me how important that thing was for communication

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

I've met up with loads of people from online friendships, always meeting them in public places is my advice.

I actually met a girl once from a corp I was in and that turned into a 6 month relationship as she lived so close.

So yeh, it's always fun imo

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Of course I'm the best person you met online lol

Limal's avatar

My husband, in MMO :)

Makster's avatar

I love those MMO stories! I think I would've had a romance on an MMO too except paying for WoW got a bit too pricey lol

DerRoteKonige's avatar

I met my wife online, though not through a dating app. She flew over from the U.K. after we'd only talked for a week.

Makster's avatar

it's pretty wild she took that chance to fly over from the UK.

Glad you guys worked out - truly couple goals right here!

Dave's avatar

I met my wife via Plenty Of Fish back when internet dating wasn't the norm and wasn't part of culture as much as it is today. Other than that I don't think I've met anyone that I exclusively know just from an online connection of some sort. I have read some stories where it's gone badly though, for example WOW guilds together for years and getting on great, then within a couple of months of meeting in real life they didn't like each other and the whole thing fell apart! Those sorts of stories put me off, and make me think in most situations they are best left online.

Paul's avatar

My wife and I also met on PoF

Makster's avatar

I liked the PoF app! I think the proximity feature was really nice since I used to work in town so if there was a date it'd be easy to get to after work

Paul's avatar

I actually met my now wife online.

We were chatting for about a month before meeting up and we haven't looked back since.

There is obviously alot of risk when doing this so we met in a public place.

Makster's avatar

Yeah definitely! I think when I met my partner - they had friends near-by in case things went south but it's really important to be safe when meeting up with people online as you just don't know..

Laura's avatar

Multiple times now! When I first joined Twitch I made friends with two Scottish guys, and we met up and went to a gig of a musician we watched alot.

Then in October I went to Manchester to see Blink 182 live and I met up with a bunch of friends I made in Mark Hoppus' discord server, and then I met up last week with two of them again. Also last weekend I met up with a friend I've played games with for, years now.

Next, in August about 18 people from all over the world will descend upon Glasgow to hangout and see 2 Blink shows and I'm very excited. Oh, and also meeting up with Retro Stu In August too. Lots of wholesome interactions the last few years and its truly been an honour 💙

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