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Horror and Cats's avatar

When dealing with a jury, the phrase “recency and primacy” is big. The first thing and the last thing you tell a person when trying to argue a point are typically the most important. That’s why misinformationists get to the punch first with inflammatory theories devoid of fact. Then it’s up to fact checkers to take the time and debunk the entire thing. Primacy

Being the truth teller is always more difficult and more time consuming than being the agitator, but if you can close the discussion with the truth, it is equally important. Recency.

Thinking human beings without extraordinary bias are able to balance the two and find the truth.

From a personal standpoint, I lean toward the newer information, and require multiple sources.

Basically, fact check BS in all its forms with sources.

Makster's avatar

Good artists copy. Great artists steal

It’s nothing new and I just appreciate each version. Preferences will just get added to my playlist or reading list or watch list

Sturmer's avatar

When it comes to music, there's no issue. Remixes and sampling have been around for 50 years, officially, legally, and generally accepted. You can listen to Taylor Swift in drum and bass style and then her original song. If the lyrics or genre resonate with you, you can enjoy both without any problem.

Information is different. Imagine a corporation releases a new product. 2,085 news agencies publish the story: some simply copy-paste the press release, others add their personal opinion, some rewrite it with their own words and include quotes, and only a few use the event as a trigger to conduct research and publish their findings. But for the end consumer, it boils down to a simple fact - Company X released Product Y. You don’t want to read the same thing in 2-3 different places, even if it was "remixed."

Also, the song you can listen 50 times a day, how many times you ready to read about Mask's Falcon #492 launch?

Paul's avatar

Are you kidding, id read about that all day!

Paul's avatar

Iv developped an attitude of "il just go look for myself".

If I read or hear about somthing that is important to or interests me I wont just take the first thing I read as gospel.

I will look for multiple sources on the subject to make my own desicion. This is not to hard given how accessible information is now, you just need to keep in mind that a .com or (for uk anyway) would be a business and have a website to sell somthing in one way or another. Where as .org, .gov or .ac are actually there for support and information puposes.

Sav's avatar

Back when I was involved with student and hospital radio, I learnt a lot about music covers and how many there were.

In Bollywood music especially in the 2010s they were starting to use more classic songs from the 60s and 70s as remixes.

That is still going on today but people love it and a new generation actually go and listen to the old songs.

When I encounter new information, I do go and Google things and try and see where it came from.

That's probably the ex-journo in me tbh always just double-checking where the source came from.


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