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Juuni's avatar

The last film I watched was Ghostbusters Frozen Empire.

The one before that, Back to the Future Part 3.

If we take BTTF3 was mostly set in 1885 --- the Evil's access level of technology compared to the particle throwers the Ghostbusters have ... I'm not too worried.

And maybe they'd let me drive Ecto 1 and run the siren for a bit. LOL

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I like that answer lol. I can actually picture it.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I watch so many movies I genuinely can’t remember the last two or what order, but suffice it to say with what I watch, the world would be pretty gross and bad lol

Horror and Cats's avatar

I THINK the last movie I watched was Dr. Giggles, so a teenager with a heart condition would be ruling the world lol.

Pretty sure the one I watched before that was Suitable Flesh so a nigh-invincible, sex-obsessed, body-hopping spirit would be the trying to take over the world.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I would totally watch that. Of course would need to be rated R lol

Konquest's avatar

The last movie I watched was charlotte’s web. I knew the cartoon but I didn’t know there was a live action one. Doing a bounty got me interested so I watched it. Before that I was rewatching the original LOTR trilogy so I guess in that world

Wilbur the pig rules the world while Sauron and the orcs are going to take over the world. I don’t like those odds 🤣 but hey. Charlotte’s web is about overcoming imposssible odds with friends and support.


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