Got some photos up from Gamescom this year... Take a looksie at the link below:
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Got some photos up from Gamescom this year... Take a looksie at the link below:
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Nice photos, thanks for sharing!
I'm sad I didn't go to more cons while I was living in London. Back home we didn't have any gaming cons. It was a separate Sci-fi and Anime con, which then got merged so they could afford a bigger venue, and on the last one I was before moving to the UK there were a few arcade games, but that's about it. So I didn't know that gamig cons were a thing apart from Blizzcon which I heard about from my WoW playing mates. When I moved here, I went to 3 comic cons, one was chaos, one was okay and one painfully empty (this was pre-covid). And then I moved from London, there was nothing in my area, and then covid hit. Only when I started to make content for FFXIV did I learn about Twitchcon and all the others and now I'm sad that I missed out on so many opportunities to go to in person events, simply because I didn't know they existed.
Which city / country do you live in now?
Manchester. Planning to go to some cons next year, now that I know about them it's a lot easier to look at tickets / ways of getting in and to plan around with my other holidays.
This has been on my bucket list for a while, but as I'm not a content creator or game dev it's unlikely I'll end up going 🤷
Can't complain though as we have plenty of awesome conventions and expos in the UK (not just gaming either!) Hopefully I'll have a chance to meet more members there in the future 🙂
Pretty cool
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