How are the pets of Just About??
Spice, pictured above, is still getting used to not having her mama to hide behind/having me in the same room, but she is playing quite a bit with the other cats. Still just wishes I would go away though lol.
Some bittersweet news, my boy pups' littermate can't stay with her owner for the time being, so next week I'm going to drive down and get her to stay with me for a while. It's going to be interesting because growing up, she was the alpha and every time the three of them are together, they revert to that. So, she's going to come in already the boss.

Phoebe turned two years old this month!

I have begun cleaning out and prepping my old RV to be a space for if I come across anymore abandoned/feral cats who need to be spay/neutered and released or adopted out. This way I don't end up with six cats in my bathroom again lmao.

And finally, Domino has essentially fully recovered and his spunky personality is really shining through. He just runs and latches onto my legs randomly now which is... super fun.

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