If you’ve spent any time on the internet then ice buckets, giant moustaches, and quirky comics are no doubt a familiar sight. They often have strange names - portmanteaus, puns, abbreviations, or acronyms like NaNoWriMo, Inktober, Veganuary, Movember, 1GAM (One Game a Month) and many more - inviting people to create, collaborate, and share throughout the month.
Come to think about it, they're a bit like bounties - ‘film a video of yourself pouring a bucket of ice over your head’ could appear on Just About - but ours come with rewards! Look out for a create-your-own challenge bounty in Content Creators next week, but in the meantime, let’s talk about the hashtag challenges you’ve taken part in. Are there any that you’ve always wanted to try but never taken the leap? What do you think it is that causes these challenges to go viral? Has it ever happened without social media? Let us know in the comments!
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