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Lanah Tyra's avatar

It's been fun, thank you for hosting!

I also made a playlist with the JA podcast episodes, will be adding any future podcasts to it which has been hosted by the community.

I already have an idea for the next episode, so stay tuned, will announce it soon!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Keep me posted! Especially if it is "heroines we need in the 21st century" like I pitched a while back . Lemme know!

Paul's avatar

That was awesome. Deffinetly do another!

Rixx Javix's avatar

Awesome! I especially appreciate how murderous everyone turned out to be towards me :)

Boomer's avatar

I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about. We're just a group of friendly villagers trapped by the storm...nothing shape-shifty going on here! 😂

Horror and Cats's avatar

I texted Kristy how when I was editing you were targeted the most haha. Even in ways that weren’t known till publishing, like hunters saying they’d hit you haha

Boomer's avatar

Thanks for hosting! That was my first game of Werewolf and it was a lot of fun 😁

Horror and Cats's avatar

My first game too and was very happy with how it went!


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