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Lanah Tyra's avatar

I support other creators via Patreon or for example bought my streaming assets via Ko-fi. Recently backed two Kickstarters as well. I prefer supporting methods which are not tied to a creator's follower or view counts as I think you should be able to support an upcoming creator as well. Someone might not make content regularly to qualify for Twitch or Youtube partner, but they can still make something which is useful but you can't support them on these platforms if they don't hit the quota.

I like both the evergreen and organic reward system here, as anyone can be eligible for them no matter how long they have been on the platform. Honestly the organic rewards I received and the beginning for some shorter articles I have written were the encouragement to start the Final Fantasy Friday series, something which I never thought I would do.

So in short, every creator deserves a chance for support from their followers from day one of making content, no matter how small or big they are.

Makster's avatar

Mostly my retweets and comments and likes. That’s probably enough in my eyes

Dave's avatar

Financially I don’t. It’s in the form of likes subscribes or if I really enjoy something then sharing it with friends.

I do think the younger generation are more likely to buy into things to show their support though, like paid subs, donations, merchandise etc to feel part of a brand/movement/personalities community.


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