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Horror and Cats's avatar

Seconded. Should definitely be an optional notification like you said, but I’d definitely be interested to see a quick line in notifications about reactions.

However, eventually I might turn it off because I can easily get notification fatigue with lol

dianthus's avatar

What I want is a weekly digest, like... "this week you earned that much through all these bounties. You posted that many times, and you got that many reactions out of it. Your most reacted-to post was this one. The reactions you got the most was this one." And with all the details of what posts earned what reactions at the bottom.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I appreciate this might be useful for a lot of people but it would have to be optional and not something automatically being sent / shown. I find it really annoying when I sign up to a new platform and start getting these weekly or daily emails I've never asked for. It should be asked as a question during the signup process like hey these are the on platform or email notifications we offer, which ones you want?

dianthus's avatar

Oh yes this should totally be an option we opt in from our profile settings! Sorry for not making that any clearer. I 150% agree with you. Unwanted emails are a pest.


I like this idea 👍 it would even be cool to see this on our personal profile pages instead of via email as they are orettt much dead space with nothing happening on them. Really hope our profiles get an update soon.


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