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Kethervir's avatar

What a nice and wonderful interview! it warm my heart🥰🥰🥰

My favorite heroine is definitely the brave Captain of the USS Voyager, Kathryn Janeway in Star Trek Voyager.

When I read the title of the post she immediately came to my mind, then the second time I saw better the thumbnails of the video and my heart skipped a beat.... she was there! oh my god!😍❤❤❤

I really love how the Capitain Janeway puts herself always on the line, never being afraid of anything and always taking into high moral values. She can be very tough and competitive, but she also shows a huge heart by taking care of her crew, showing her sweet, maternal, understanding side, but also wise and punitive when she finds ignorance and hostility on the other side. In any case, she always does everything to make herself understood, to know the differences by showing that she takes to heart members who were initially even hostile and enemies, even accepting them among her crew by even giving them very important and command roles.. this is the case for example for the Maquis or the Borg even.. So, if I think of an ideal heroine of mine, she is definitely my point of reference. Even if she doesn't have any particular special super powers, she is an incredible person, and i just love how she acts in front of every situation. She is just always ready for literally anything!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think she really stands out especially because she doesn't have superpowers. She's just a woman, doing a job, reports to her boss and has people reporting to her. Very easy to find similarities with our daily lives so she is very relatable and can be a role model.

Superhero movies are all good as entertainment but hard to find a connection with those heroes because you can never achieve what they have.


Awesome will give this an interview whilst working!


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