Hey folks, it’s time for our regular weekly review of the best of your new content and submissions: Member Monday! Doors opened on not one but two new communities last week so we’re stopping by Empyreal and Two Point Museum, but only after a quick jaunt around the rest of the galaxy first, because our commanders in Elite Dangerous have had an exceptional week.
If you see great member-created content anywhere on the platform and want to celebrate it, remember to tag me ( Boomer ) and let me know which posts you want to see featured in the next Member Monday!
Elite Dangerous
As we were witnessing a planetary parade here on Earth, XCezor was turning Elite Dangerous into their own cosmic canvas and earning a tidy $100 prize. You can watch a timelapse of their journey as the logo of their squadron - Aurora Venatores - which spans a radius of 500 lightyears!
On a slightly smaller scale, LiquidMorkite's screenshots show the final moments of the Titan Cocijo, a mysterious aggressor that was ultimately defeated by the brave Commanders defending Earth.
In times of war it’s important to stay informed. Osiliran's report provides a detailed recap of the investigations conducted by a few ever-vigilant Commanders. In Elite Dangerous threats can appear without a moment's notice, and it pays to keep a watchful eye on the shifting tides.
ENDERS submission offers a reimagining of Elite Dangerous, introducing elements from the popular sci-fi franchise Cyberpunk 2077. Their comparison provides a compelling argument for how the two game universes could be merged - what do you think? Can you imagine the Aldecaldos flying around in an Anaconda?
If, like the members we’ve highlighted above, you have a lot to say about Elite Dangerous then do we have a reward for you! This live but upcoming reward invites you to create a video of three minutes or fewer and to tell us what Elite Dangerous means to you. For more details check the reward criteria.
Two Point Museum
We recently opened the doors to the Two Point Museum community, and we’re already seeing new and old faces checking out our rewards. Ziggy is the first new member to submit to our reaction reward, with PowerPlays and Warpstorm1988 sharing their channels in our Two Point content creators reward. Thanks to everyone else who shared their recommendations.
If you’re new to Just or you’re a regular and want to get involved in the Two Point Museum community, remember to introduce yourself in the discussion below!
It’s great to see so many familiar faces in our new communities, even if they are made with character creators! Shoutout to JHenckes for their Geralt-inspired adventurer, and we’re looking forward to watching as more members experiment with the customisations!
Critter Cafe
Do you need tips on how to keep the customers and coffees flowing? If so then look no further than this submission by TheGreatestBanana12 or should we say the greatest barista 12! Turns out it’s a lot easier when you can trick them into making only the simplest coffee orders…
That’s it for this week! Remember, if you see any great posts around that platform that you’d like to highlight for next week’s Member Monday, tag me ( Boomer ) or any of our team in the replies!
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