community background


FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


As a major Minecraft player, I would love a Minecraft section personally and I think, it would bring some more people in.

As for D&D, I play this with friends and would also love that added as a section as well.

I do NOT think Helldivers is a good idea at this point, the CEO is causing issues publicly on Twitter and the community is NOT a happy community, I think it would be counterproductive to what JA is attempting to achieve here. This game, whilst good, is riddled publicly and I would hate to see JA dragged down as a result.

MFS is a very select community, GTA would be funny BUT I think you should also maybe include bounties on the old games as well, so we can have some fun with that etc.

Pokemon, sure, why not, it's fun, all of it.

Warhammer hell yes, please include tabletop stuff in with this as well as the games.

Just my opinion, please feel free to tell me to shut up :P

Boomer's avatar not shut up! Constructive feedback is welcome, just as much as sharing the things you enjoy😊

Ford James's avatar

Appreciate the feedback! With Helldivers, I do think it's a vocal minority - the official subreddit is one of the most welcoming, friendly, and enthusiastic game communities I've seen in a long while. And the game itself is so damn hilarious a lot of the time, I'm optimistic we can bring some good eggs from the Helldivers community over here, because there are lots of them. I also think the community has been pretty happy with how the updates have gone so far - there was a little backlash when the Railgun got nerfed, but other than that it's largely been positive!

Sturmer's avatar

Agree, Helldivers and GTA accumulate too much hate around them, hard to predict how these communities will align with current JA values.

Damien Mason's avatar

I think this is a great idea. While there's time investment in thinking of which communities to tackle and the questions to pose, risk is mitigated by the fact that you don't need to pay much out if the bounties don't gain traction.

I'd be down for DnD. Flavour of the Month ones seem like a good bet. Fallout TV series coming out will renew interest in the games. Free to Play games like Fortnite will have a big draw. MMOs tend to have dedicated communities that keep people coming back (I've been meaning to give ESO another shot).

I'm inclined to agree with others that Helldivers 2 is a mixed bag. Some people are taking satirical fascism too seriously in their roleplay. GTA will be as hit and miss as Fortnite in who it attracts but I believe it's so popular that you can't boil the crowd down to one particular segment.

Boomer's avatar

Can you believe ESO just turned 10!? Sounds like it's a great time to jump back in!

Paul's avatar

I may have mentioned Warhammer once or twice so will be all ove that mofo.

Having a general model building/painting community would include warhammer and an element of D&D aswel.

Im a huge pokemon fan also and although I haven't been involved in D&D I do like it.

Very exited to see these new communities!

Rich's avatar

New bounties for now, not communities, but that's great to hear! Which Warhammer games do you play exactly?

Paul's avatar

Oh right, I may have got over exited lol 😅

40k mostly but I have models for age of sigma, old world and blood bowl along with other non warhammer games.

Samuel Willetts's avatar

These all seem like excellent selections for Just About.

I'm particularly interested to see how the community comes together for Microsoft Flight Simulator. It's a series that I've always admired from the outside looking in, particularly the latest entry, and I've no doubt that same passion that draws me in as an outsider will be on full display. As much as I'm sure the other games listed here will see equally passionate submissions too.

Personally, I'm looking forward to taking part in some Helldivers and possibly Dungeons and Dragons bounties. Who knows, this could also be the push I've been needing to get into painting the Warhammer miniatures that have been sadly sitting in my wardrobe for... a while.

However, being so new to JB, there's still plenty for me to check out in the meantime. In the spirit of D&D, though: Here's to new adventures!

Rich's avatar

A very warm welcome aboard, Sam! Great to have you on the platform 😊

Thanks for the vote of confidence on these bounties (and for giving me an idea for a Warhammer bounty). Make yourself at home and if you've got any feedback don't hesitate to let us know here or by tagging me Rich

Boomer's avatar

I’ve been needing to get into painting the Warhammer miniatures that have been sadly sitting in my wardrobe for… a while.

Oh this feels all too familiar! 😄

What army - or armies - do you collect?

I've always been partial to a bit of Chaos (Marines or fantasy)!

Samuel Willetts's avatar

I'm not a collector and more someone curious about miniature painting (spurred by sessions with my D&D party.)

Marines have always caught my eye, though. Necrons too!

Boomer's avatar

That's fair, and Necron are pretty cool. They feel like a blend of Terminator and Predator 😄

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Even though they are not video games, table top games and rpgs definitely need a place! Looking forward to either participate in some of the bounties or to see the amazing submissions from others!

Are you truly going to make me start playing Microsoft Flight Simulator? I haven't touched airplane related stuff since I left my job at the airport 10 years ago! But I love airplanes... and flight simulators... damn.... why are you doing this to me? Won't spend much time outside in the coming months I can see that....

Boomer's avatar

Won’t spend much time outside in the coming months I can see that….

On the contrary...with Microsoft Flight Simulator you'll be seeing the world! 😄

Lanah Tyra's avatar

But... What about my Vitamin D? 😂

Dave's avatar

Just to take an opposite view, you could argue that if a games community has a reputation for being a bit toxic and unwelcoming, then this is a great opportunity to showcase the just about non toxic, healthy valuable community, as a demonstrable product to potential customers.

How they can foster a welcoming place for players that shy away from taking part elsewhere because of these very issues.

My impression from the outside looking into EVE is that it's an unwelcoming, hostile one to take part in, but I understand the one on here isn't. Don't shoot the messenger that's just the impression I have of it, so they may be able to do the same with some of these as well.

Boomer's avatar

I can't speak to your experience, but I'm sorry you were left with that impression. All I can say is I'm glad your experience here has been welcoming and friendly 🙂

Sturmer's avatar

My bad, I thought about communities, not bounties.


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