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Limal's avatar

My redstone farm is quite simple but very important. I call it the Inferno Devourer-3000 because it burns everything with an intense, almost hellish power and sustains itself.

It all started with a lack of coal for my cookers and smelters. I discovered that charcoal, which you can get by burning anything related to wood, could be a solution. I saw several farm designs, but they required kelp to push products up. My world seed is lacking kelp, so I used double droppers instead.

Here's how it works:

  1. Place anything you wish to burn (wooden items) into the top chest.

  2. A hopper feeds those items into the furnace.

  3. Once the furnace gets at least two items for fuel and the item you wish to convert to charcoal, the process starts.

  4. The ready product is delivered via another hopper into a dropper, which triggers the redstone chain with delays and another trigger for the second dropper.

  5. As the item gets into a large chest (for products), it instantly falls into another hopper (until it fills up completely).

  6. This last dropper is connected to the furnace and feeds the fuel slot, completing the loop.


Why is charcoal great? It's similar to coal, and when used in a furnace as fuel, a piece of charcoal lasts 80 seconds, which is, if I recall correctly, five times more than wood planks. Additionally, coal is a limited, non-renewable resource that you need to go and find, whereas wood can be stockpiled by creating a tree farm.

Why is this farm efficient? You burn one wood to make a charcoal, then you burn eight wood fueled by that single charcoal to get another eight charcoals. Isn't that great?! I wish I had something similar in real life.

Sturmer's avatar

Moss farm

It's a fairly common and easy-to-build moss farm for infinite bone meal (which I need for another tree farm, hehe). The design isn't mine, or at least the core concept of using a minecart as a timer for loop actions isn't. Since learning it, I've reused this feature in many other Redstone designs. The basic idea is that the minecart travels at a known speed, pushing activator rails that essentially perform three tasks:

  1. The first activation injects bone meal into a moss block, triggering instant surface greenery growth.

  2. The second activation triggers five droppers with buckets of water, creating a water flow that pushes all the greenery into a river that ends with a hopper.

  3. The third activation disables the droppers, cutting off the water and preparing the surface for the first step.

And the loop continues.

There is a collector's chest, so everything the moss produces is then dropped into a composter to create bone meal. Some of this bone meal is reused in the farm, while the rest goes to my other farms.

P.S.. sorry for the mess, a Creeper slipped into my chamber and blew some blocks, including composer farm, so I quickly rebuilt it near the wall. But you can actually create a complete chain, all you need is just a few more hoppers and a dropper.


How it works is the 2 observers back to back create a tick infinite red stone signal and then you water log to stairs to allow it to grow use glass for sun and use mud reason being is that mud is slightly smaller then a regular block so the bamboo comes down into the hopper after the piston cuts it and then into the chest!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Here we go!

So in this instance. We use powered rails and detector rails, to power Redstone Lights, so you place a line of powered rails down, and then two normal rails to turn it back on itself, then you add detector rails on the other side, making sure to place a Redstone torch by the powered rails, then next to the detector rails, you place Redstone lamps down. Then you simply place a mining cart down, give it a shove and wallah, light show!

You can also design these to be hidden behind walls, or underground, they are great! See the video below!

Nine's avatar

Hello this my submission..

I make it during live stream on tiktok


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