The Minecraft Tricky Trials update released yesterday and brought with it two brand-new hostile mobs: the Breeze and the Bogged. The Breeze "loves to leap dizzying circles around players", while the Bogged is "a poisonous skeleton clad in rags and covered in moss and mushrooms". Both can be found in Trial Chambers, and the Bogged can also be found in swamps.
For this bounty, we simply want you to submit the best screenshot you can of one of the two mobs when you encounter them! Bonus points if you find them in their natural habitat rather than spawning them in via creative mode. Ten rewards of $2 apiece are available here, and you could also try ticking off our other bounty while you're hunting for them: can you be one of our first five members to complete a Trial Chamber?
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$10 / 20
This reward closed to entries at 4:17pm on June 24, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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