Just About is all about community involvement, and suggest-a-bounty bounties are one of our main vehicles for that principle. You'll have seen them on our other communities in the past, and we want you involved right from the start of Just About Minecraft.
A bounty is a content creation challenge. That's it. The questions you'd want answered or cool things you'd like to see are great starting points, but a bounty can be almost anything you'd like to ask the community to do or make.
Submit as many ideas as you like for Minecraft bounties and make sure to explain them fully. We love to see bounties that use different formats as well as the written word, so if you have any ideas for image bounties, video bounties, or any other interesting format, your entry may get some bonus points! The only other thing to note is that they need broad appeal; we want everyone to be able to get stuck in.
The ten best submissions get $3 apiece and a (good) chance of being used in future bounties!
already paid
$30 / 36
This reward closed to entries at 11:08am on June 21, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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