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EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

I took it like this because I found a jungle spawn that has a beach/coastline to it.

Sturmer's avatar

For some reason, jungles are quite rare in my game, my seeds tend to be more tundra-oriented. That makes finding a jungle biome even more special when I do come across one!

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

I refined it again because it wasn't the expected Taiga Forest biome, but this time I hope it's correct.

Sturmer's avatar

While pics are great, moderators might reject them since they are not 'jungle' biome

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

Yeah, my friend also said that, I think I will change it, thank you for your attention.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Fras_Shoyo, these screenshots are excellent, but this appears to be in a taiga forest biome, not a jungle. For this bounty, we're looking for screenshots in a jungle biome specifically. Feel free to edit your submission with a jungle biome screenshot to be eligible for a prize!

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

Ford James how about now is this correct ?, sorry I don't know the specifics of the taiga forest. what I know is that there are 3 biomes, from forest, desert and snow.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Sinclair, this is a great shot, but this appears to be in a forest biome, not a jungle. For this bounty, we're looking for screenshots in a jungle biome specifically. Feel free to edit your submission with a jungle biome screenshot to be eligible for a prize!

Sinclair's avatar

My bad! my submission was changed, thank you!


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