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Just give me a reason, some kind of sign I'll need a miracle to help me this time I heard what you said and I feel the same I know in my heart that I'll have to change

Even the stars look brighter tonight Nothing's impossible I still believe in love at first sight Nothing's impossible

In the broader sense, not to be limited to love.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I feel like we all at some point have an "I heard what you said and I feel the same; I know in my heart that I'll have to change" moment. Be it from friends or family.

Then the attitude toward that revelation is covered by "nothing's impossible."

Lovely, friend.

tinny_three's avatar

You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes, well, you just might find You get what you need

Also all of the lyrics of Baz Lurhmann's Everybody's Free (to wear sunscreen), but I decided that was cheating!

I'm gonna check out Delta Rae today

Horror and Cats's avatar

Ooh classic lyrics of wisdom! I know there isn't a DM feature here, but let me know what you think of Delta Rae, if you like. Obviously Morning Comes is wonderful, but these are my tippy-top songs by them (in no particular order):

Bottom of the River

Chasing Twisters

All Good People

I Will Never Die

Hands Dirty


Roo's avatar

Someone's been watching House 😂. "As the philosopher Jagger onge said..."

Thomas's avatar

The last line from Neutral Milk Hotel's In The Aeroplane Over The Sea always sticks with me

Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all

Horror and Cats's avatar

I just checked it out. I feel like that's a very "eye of the beholder" kind of song. What does that lyric mean to you? Granted I've only heard it once now, but it seems positive and wondrous? A happy-to-be-alive kind of song?

Thomas's avatar

The whole album is sort of a concept album inspired by Anne Frank, and while that's not something I think about much when listening to it I do think the context in the album is probably quite important for how the song feels, with a bit more tragedy behind it than simply being happy to be alive. That said, the line itself I guess I do take from it the idea that existence in itself is kind of a miracle, but one that's easy to lose sight of.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh wow, context is everything, isn't it. Life is certainly easy to take for granted.

Roo's avatar

"Thou shalt spell the word "phoenix" P-H-E-O-N-I-X, not P-H-O-E-N-I-X, regardless of what the Oxford English Dictionary tells you"

Sturmer's avatar

Nope, I don't have any musical mantras. But i have a meme mantra to stay positive when everything collapse

Tom's avatar

I don't mind telling you that this one has done the rounds on our Just About Slack channels a few times 😂

Retro Stu's avatar

For me it'll come from Josh Doyle: "I wanna do something great before I get older, there's nothing worse than being mediocre". I used that as a focus to try and do my best and not just half do things.

And whilst not a lyric I also love this whole thing from Joe Strummer and it became a mantra for me, and pretty much got me started working in the charity sector:


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