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Thomas's avatar

Hell yeah, probably too many to list here, but Blue Album is a great shout, I love that album.

For me there's my two favourite Radiohead albums - Kid A and In Rainbows. Both of them are just so consistent in their individual sounds and have a real sense of place. In Rainbows also has some of Radiohead's best songwriting to boot.

I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly. I feel like every time I listen to it, I get something else out of it. It's packed full of talented jazz musicians, rappers and producers, and I think Kendrick's lyrics are the best they've ever been. It's incredible. My only criticism is that for such a vibrant sounding album, the greyscale cover art doesn't really do it justice

Roo's avatar

In Rainbows was the first one that sprang to mind for me too 🌈

Horror and Cats's avatar

Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory. Front to back every time.

Edit: I saw the title of your question and didn’t even read what you wrote I just answered lol. Hearts, bud. All the hearts

Horror and Cats's avatar

Now that I’ve read your post like you know, a normal human, I’d say my second place album would be Breaking Benjamin’s Phobia.

That CD got me and my car a lot of places.

Retro Stu's avatar

OH!!! How could I forget This is Really Neat by Crackout?!

Boomer's avatar

I could get lost down a rabbit hole thinking about this one, so I'll share the first one that comes to mind! 😂

Metallica S&M album (live recording with the San Francisco Symphony)

FUN INC's avatar

Oh crikey - yes - fine selection!


Hey, Cure of the Itch is pretty good :< Hybrid Theory is a true forever classic (just as Meteora).

That said, as we already agree on the quality of the afore mentioned album, and given that's it's not easy to pick just a pair of perfect album... let me suggest something different:

Ayreon - Universal Migrator Part 1: The Dream Sequencer. An experience, a story and trip through the ages of time, on the wings of the Dream Sequencer. My absolute favourite album by Ayreon, it's just... perfect, as it is.

Solar Fields - Leaving Home. Just... music...

Nicole's avatar

The greatest album ever made is, without question, Rumours by Fleetwood Mac.

There's lots of reasons such as the fact every song is either gut-wrenchingly emotional or an absolute banger. Or both. Another reason is how feral everyone at my wedding went to 'The Chain', which is the only correct response.

This album would only be more perfect is 'Rhiannon' was also on it but that would probably be TOO perfect for human consumption. So the last reason I will leave you with if that it resulted in this...

Midboss's avatar

This is, and always will be, the right answer.

mar1gold 's avatar

Sounds a little cliche but definitely the wall by Pink Floyd - I could listen to that album on a loop forever without it losing my love for it <3 It's quite personal to me aswell because it was the first album I listened to from start to finish as a kid ^-^

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me to "relax" and what I call "reconnect" with myself, I put my headphones in, sit back, close my eyes, and listen to Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory


Portishead is one of my best all-time bands, and the Roseland NYC Live is a masterpiece.

But I can't forget the amazing Smashing Pumpkins album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.

Probably the best Double Album in history :D


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