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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Last concert I've bern to was meant to be there but they moved it to O2Ritz because apparently no one likes the Victoria Warehouse? Now I'm curious I need to check it out XD

I love the Koko in London, such a beautiful building and great view from the balcony. Another favourite is the Bannerman's Bar in Edinburgh, small cellar-looking back room at a bar under one of the bridges, very unique.

mar1gold 's avatar

A few concerts i've been to have been moved to the o2 ritz aswell! still a great venue but i'm not sure why this happens so often. maybe a capacity thing?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

That's what I was thinking too, the O2Ritz was packed last time and I assume the Victoria is smaller?

Thomas's avatar

I've seen a couple gigs at The Barbican in London and I think that's a terrific venue for sit-down affairs, which in my late 30s are more appealing than ever.

I like small venues. There's one in Brighton called Chalk that used to be called The Haunt that I saw Mitski and KRS-One at.

My heart probably belongs to the Tunbridge Wells Forum, though, where I used to spend a lot of time as a teenager seeing ska-punk bands

FUN INC's avatar

OMG - the forum! Spent some of my yoof there too travelling over from Redhell!

Thomas's avatar

Haha no way. Fun fact, my partner has been slowly piecing together a full Rock Band/Guitar Hero set and I had to drive us to both the Tunbridge Wells and the Redhill CeXs to pick up plastic instruments

Horror and Cats's avatar

Sacramento California has a venue called The Ace of Spades. Several different bars and areas depending on what your speed is (lounge, rowed seats, standing in front of the stage) and they all have great line of sight to the stage. I went to a NYE Mickey Avalon concert there and it was pretty slick.


Hoyt Sherman Place in Des Moines Iowa.

This was originally a mansion that had an auditorium and stage installed by the owner for private use. At some point, it turned into a museum with a music venue attached. The changes they made to the acoustics for the room along with the sound system make for a great venue.

I've seen 311, Lake Street Dive, Dwight Yokum, Cat Power, and many other artists there and each one sounded fantastic. If for some reason you ever find yourself in the middle of the US, in the middle of Iowa, see if there is a concert going to be at Hoyt Sherman and check it out.


Only been to Thekla in Bristol once, but it's great! A German cargo ship, turned into a showboat and now a club venue that has been moored since the 80s.


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