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MargotCandy's avatar

Working in tech and testing at one point my go to was the Tron soundtrack.

Nowadays I just use something like coffee shop background music lists. But I love the idea of more orchestral like music. I’ll try it next week.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Timesplitters 2 soundtrack front to back. That is my concentration work music.

Also, anything from Two Steps from Hell will make you feel like a Viking goddess conquering a new world while auditing Excel sheets

MadamClutter's avatar

Just wanted to say that I love Time Splitters 2, I remember it fondly!

Sturmer's avatar

I don't just use soundtracks or OSTs as background music; they're a mainstay in all my playlists!

I've realized that my deep connection (or even kink) to these tracks boils down to two key factors: First, soundtracks are meticulously crafted to evoke specific emotions or moods, enhancing pivotal moments on screen (be it a game or a movie). Second, listening to them allows me to relive memorable experiences - whether it's the thrill of first stepping into the world of Hyrule in BOTW or the melancholic flight through the fog in Blade Runner 2049. These melodies trigger such vivid memories that I can re-experience the same intense emotions as if it were the first time.

Retro Stu's avatar

For a while I used to listen to the Jurassic Park and Dark Knight scores most but these days I tend to go more video game soundtrack over those.

Particularly Hades (of course), Death's Door and Hollow Knight.

Makster's avatar

I'm not one for lyrics but I can't say no to Flash FM especially on a Friday (bonus if it's a Friday before a Bank Holiday like today!)

Thomas's avatar

I listen to lots of videogame music when I work!

With regards to films, the main one I find great to work to is Suspiria 2018

Nicole's avatar

Your obsession with Disco Elysium continues 😂 fortunately it does constantly remind me that its currently sitting on my Switch unplayed and I must get round to it!

Thomas's avatar

I just realised that I somehow managed to miss one of the most important ones!

Makster's avatar

Persona 5 soundtrack just makes me think of my time in Japan and the friends I made. But also the friends I made in Persona 5 Royal (since I played it over lockdown)

Thomas's avatar

Yeah, I was so gutted to read that news. They literally haven't released a bad game, and in 2022 they released two GOTY-level games in OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome

mar1gold 's avatar

this is my playlist on spotify i use for studying - it's all instrumentals or songs not in english :)

Boomer's avatar

Is there something about instrumental or non-English music that helps you study?

I can find lyrics distracting when I'm concentrating, so I wondered if it was the same for you.

mar1gold 's avatar

yes that's exactly it! if i can't understand the lyrics however I can concentrate hehe

Tom's avatar

They're not necessarily scores but I have a playlist for exactly this (well two actually) which I've cherry picked from various OSTs, minimal classical albums, and from the excellent BBC podcast Classical Fix. There are some real gems in there, especially Arthur Sharpe's soundtrack for Flowers and some of Thomas Newman's OST for American Beauty

Tom's avatar

Oh and all the music for the incredible Bee and Puppycat is glorious for working to 👌


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