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Limal's avatar

Rage Against the Machine!

Boomer's avatar

Are there any bands that surprise you? Let me know if any of them stand out! 😊

Limal's avatar

nice thanks, Led Zeppelin and ACDC was a surprise, on the other hand Bizkit and APC are quite far away, other than that - pretty much my playlist hehe

Boomer's avatar

It does make me wonder how they calculate this stuff, but it still leads to some cool recommendations! 😁

Sturmer's avatar

simple - its human trained AI, here is his another project (similar to app where you swipe faces, forgot the name) to get data from users, then he used something like K cluster similarity algorithms and another tools for distance measurement. then you map that data into visuals. I'm not quite sure if any AI actually there involved as i was doing this a decade ago in SPSS Statistics

the project is cool anyways! bookmarked for a deeper study

Makster's avatar

I'm quite surprised at the placement of Chili Peppers as I find their sound quite unique. Too funky to be nu-metal, and too rap to be conventional rock, and too melodic to be psychedelic rock or even metal. I definitely wouldn't put it too close to Nirvana or Pearl Jam and their grunge contemporaries

Boomer's avatar

You should give it a go...the bands float around for a while before they settle in place. It's a but fuzzy and I generally take it with a pinch of salt, but it's a fun way to find new or related bands.

It covers quite a range as well!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Hit me with some Delta Rae-like bands?

Boomer's avatar

How's it looking? Any artists or songs you'd recommend checking out?

Horror and Cats's avatar

Ooh! The Civil Wars! STELLAR band, although I think they’re broken up now. Barns Courtney is also very very good.


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