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Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


at the day l hear music , from my iPhone library, my usb memory at car or YouTube

But at night my date is with SPOTIFY (free version 🤭) l hear about YouTube music , Apple Music or others offer better quality or variety of artist but for the moment

Spotify is enough for me

For to sleep lm recommend:

Tiny Tim , Broadcast , Princess Chelsea , The Doors , Susanna Hoff and much more

Good Bless you all 🤗

Horror and Cats's avatar

I use YouTube music as well since I have premium. Don’t really have a need for much else haha

Makster's avatar

Spotify although I got a workout playlist on Apple Music.

Typically YT though as I usually just want to hear one song

Konquest's avatar

I use spotify but these days I use YT more often I don't have premium though, still not convinced :D sometimes I use NCS but its not as stable these days with some previous song being grabbed up by labels. I also do buy some music if i need certain high quality tracks, mainstream songs from beatport, copyright safe music from epidemic sounds or samples and loops from splice.

Hunter's avatar

Spotify is where I go if not it's YouTube

JHenckes's avatar

I think YouTube music has a lot of problems: interface, search bar, music suggestions, playlists are the things that bother me the most. But it's like you said, the app has the advantage of having videos of the song clips in a practical way! This makes all the difference, in some moments and environments I end up choosing YouTube music because of this, even with the caveats.

Even so, my main app is Spotify, for me it's far superior in almost everything and Google is the worst company to be a direct competitor, it never improves its products as it should...

As for digital albums, I've already bought some by Imagine Dragons! As it's my favorite band, I do it as a fan support.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Funny enough YT gives me more accurate suggestions than Spotify. I was talking about FFXV yesterday on Discord, opened YT music this morning and saw the OST there recommended. Spotify was usually giving me something irrelevant.

Imagine Dragons is great! I usually buy physical albums on concerts when I want to support a band. We still have CD player in our car so that comes in handy

Amoni P's avatar

I use Tidal for streaming music because it pays artists better than Spotify. Ironically, according to T-Pain, the highest paying streaming service is Napster.

For music purchases, I buy my music from Bandcamp. Most of that music is indie or lesser known artists (black metal, for example).

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I only use streaming services because it's convenient on the go, but if I want to support and artist, I'll buy the CD, merch and go to live shows. It's shocking how little money they get from streaming platforms :(


I have a mixture tbh, I still buy a lot from iTunes and I also use soundcloud 🎧😎 oh and how could I forget I love watching dj mixes on YouTube!

TrialByStory's avatar

Personally, I don't really pay for streaming music; I prefer to have the actual files downloaded on whatever device I'm playing them from (typically my phone). Honestly though, going that route has become a bit of a pain recently. Luckily I've got a fairly extensive library of songs I ripped from CDs in the late 90s-mid 2010s, and a lot of my more recent music discoveries are more to the independent side of the scale, so I can typically head to bandcamp and find, say, the intro song for a recent visual novel I fell in love with or the latest tracks from an old friend who now produces EDM. I've also fallen into collecting vinyl, and a surprising number of those albums include download codes for digital copies (every Rush album I own, for example). And when all else fails, I can turn to iTunes as a last resort.

That said, the free tiers of streaming platforms do have their own niche in my little ecosystem: They're a great way to take a broad sampling of a group/artist I'd never heard of before, and help me determine if I'm interesting in actually picking up some of their music for purchase.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I used to have ripped or downloaded music on my phone as well! My laptop died a while ago and I lost everything from my hard drive, that was the point where I said I can't be bothered to get all that music again so that pushed me to go for streaming instead.

I love it when you get digital codes with vinyl! I use those to have high quality downloads and make mix CDs from them for the car.


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