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Dave's avatar

How many hours play are you looking for this before writing (or a certain point in the game)? I've done 3.5 hours.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Three and a half hours is plenty for this bounty (good effort, by the way)

Dave's avatar

I've played just over 6 hours with a 50/50 split of following the objectives and then gathering and building for the platform32 bounty challenge.

Usually I don't get on with these sort of games as you tend to be thrown into the deep end with very little guidance or suggestion on what to do or where to go. Nightingale seems different in this sense as there is a narrative path to follow, similar to a quest log in an rpg. At least at this stage in the game I am always being told what I need to do to make progress and move through the in-game narrative that's going on. It suits my playstyle as I can choose to go off and do whatever if I want to, but the signposted direction to do certain tasks is also there on what you should be doing to complete the "mainline quest" so to speak at the same time.

The swamp realm tutorial stage was a bit harsh, don't really understand why walking in shallow water for a few seconds suddenly means you catch a deadly disease and die a quick death when I was wearing what looked like thick waterproof boots. I had nearly collected all the stuff to progress at that point, which was then stuck in the middle of the death water needing collecting. Took me a few goes before I managed to salvage it without dying. That said it did nicely introduce me to what happens when you die and how you can go collect your stuff from there. Maybe that was the point and they want you to die from one thing or another on this realm, or I was just bad at it.

I have run into a few bugs and some confusing UI things but I usually don't play early access games and this is to be expected at this early stage when the main release is quite a way off. So I'm not going to criticise this as they haven't been show stoppers.

Very impressed with the graphics and lighting. I'm running everything maxed out at 1440p, but with dlss quality set and Im getting 70-90 fps. The look of it with the detailed trees, lighting and dense grass into the distance I would expect it to run a bit slower, so really happy with that.

The main thing though with all games and the big test for me is after my first play session and switching it off, am I thinking about the game when I'm not playing it and excited to pick it back up again another day? That's a big yes and I played it again this evening, I'm really looking forward to making more progress, exploring, crafting and trying out the different aspects of the game. There is a lot to learn and explore and this community is going to be really useful to get the best out of it.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Dave, I just wanted to say that this is another excellent submission. Thank you for putting so much effort into your entries. I managed to get a couple of proper Nightingale sessions in this weekend, and I'm already counting down the hours until this evening so I can jump back in!

steviethedork's avatar

I've been following this game for a long time, and it's delivering what it promises. The building is easy to figure out and gorgeous. The environments are breathtaking. The puzzles are unique and fun to solve. The lore is rich and well researched. They've pinpointed an aesthetic and vibe and absolutely ran with it. I already have hundreds of hours from playtests and know I have hundreds more in me through Early Access into the V1 release.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I finally managed to get some hours under my belt this weekend, and I'm loving it too. I've only got as far as the first gear-advancement milestone, but it took a lot of willpower not to play until a very unreasonable hour of the night.

GameofBeardz's avatar

Straight Forward.

I’ve just come off the back of a 5 hour stream of this game. Did not play it prior to the stream as I wanted to discover the game and how to play with my community.

I entered the game with a little trepidation as I have been burnt with many open world survival games in the past which require a Masters Degree in Engineering to figure out how to craft a Stick Axe or the mathematical genius of Einstein to figure out how many materials are required to construct a Building.

What the game has excelled in so far is making the crafting and building incredibly user friendly and very easy to pick up. I found myself crafting a base within the first few hours of the game, with a decent size base completed within 3 hours (see the base bounty for a pic!). This would be the equivalent of triple this time in many other games of its kind.

So my hot take is this. If you want a simple but intricate, straightforward open world survival game, Nightingale will suit your needs.

Dave's avatar

Nice, would you mind sharing your stream/socials so we can have a watch and keep up with the content?

GameofBeardz's avatar

Hey Dave!

Absolutely! will take you to my twitch! Thats my main platform currently ☺️

Sturmer's avatar

I’m about 15 hours into 'Nightingale,' which, in my opinion, is just scratching the surface for a game of this type. As I’ve mentioned in my other posts, building and construction are my passions, and I’ve been particularly focused on exploring the limits and possibilities of this aspect of the gameplay, thanks to the "Tower Bounty".

I've managed to bypass certain game limitations through creative building, accessing areas I'm technically not supposed to reach yet. In the process, I've used about 20% of the trees in my realm for my projects =)

The graphics are quite impressive, and the realm/portal feature hints at great potential for replayability and depth. As I continue to play, I'm excited to uncover more about what 'Nightingale' has to offer. You can expect a more detailed exploration of these elements in my full review

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Was planning to do a 2-3 hrs stream as that's my usual time but I ended up playing for almost 6 hours. I'm a complete noob for survival games and I really loved how you can adjust the difficulty of the game by the background of your character. And speaking of character... I didn't expect such an in-depth character creation which easily puts quite a few RPGs to shame. I think I spent an hour just with character creation :D Looking forward to see how the ancestry will influence the story and I love that there is a story at all, it make it a really playable game for those who are more used to RPGs.

The tutorial realms are nice to ease you in and even on easy mode I was close to starving or dying from the heat until I managed to get all the stuff needed, which gave that "survival mode" thrill. Quite proud though that during the tutorial I only died due to my own stupidity of just jumping down with the umbrella and not triggering the glide ^^'

I have to admit I did struggle a bit with the building, still managed to make something but it took my partner (used to be a survival instructor...) to look at it and correct my fundamental understanding of how you should underpin the building and can't just attach stairs to one wall... and that I can delete and move stuff (probably this was somewhere there in the tutorial but I think the whole thing is so new to me that it was information overload)

Anyhow I am enjoying it so far and looking forward to next time when I can jump back in with the external advise and take on that tower building challenge.

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