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Dave's avatar

Could not have asked for a better point of interest for the Humbaba to spawn next to for this! 114 gear score, default gear for NPC Jeff, Standard swamp and hunt card, no minor card used, standard medium difficulty.

Came prepared with 62 fast healing potions and 27 healing salves for broken legs and the like, barely had to use any of them!

All going well and then... Leeroy Jenkins!!! Jeff what are you doing!! Have to go out and try and draw it back to the building and then I think my sense of panic comes across when I realise there are other beings that have arrived to join in the fight and they can get into the building! Plus the poisonous smoke clouds!

Sturmer's avatar

Can you believe it? It all commenced with a confounded piece of Iron ore! But let us proceed in an orderly fashion, so... Dear Diary...

Day 64,

Several days past, I unlocked ‘The Watch’, a bastion of hope and acient marvels. Many fine individuals reside there, imparting wisdom aplenty, particularly aiding my technological advancement! Time to construct newfangled tools and workbenches! I possess all requisite materials, save for steel... which requires a blend of iron ore and coal. Alas, my iron stores are depleted, not a speck remains! Upon meticulous inspection of the codex, I deduced the purportedly common ore resides in the swamp biome. So be it!

Day 65,

Post a robust breakfast, I activated a portal to the swamp. By a stroke of ill luck, I input incorrect coordinates, landing in a locale of 220 difficulty. No matter, a spot of reconnaissance shan’t harm, right? After all, my quarry was ore, not conflict.

…hippopotamuses are astonishingly swift, and lethal to boot! Having scoured the entire map, my iron tally remained dismally at naught... something is amiss with my codex.

Day 66,

Conversing with fellow realmwalkers at The Watch, they advised a reduction in difficulty and to keep to the coastal line. Very well, I set course for a 70-ish portal. Despite arduous efforts, the elusive ore evaded me…

The same day, I ventured into a different realm, this one of 130 power. Yet again, fruitless! As I perused my codex for errors, the earth began to tremble DUM-DUM-DUM, trees toppled as the monstrous Humbaba made its grand entrance, its roar proclaiming its regal stature.

Exhausted and irate, I resolved to confront this colossal beast, a true test of my mettle and equipment. Nell, my companion, was overcome with fright and absconded, provisions and all. Well then, this may well be my final entry…

Triumph! A splendid victory, a solo tour de force, and Humbaba lies vanquished!

Upon my return to The Watch that very day, I found myself entrapped between realms. This is a tale for another time (link provided). Beneath Starlit Realms: Heroes Unveiled in Nightingale | Just About Nightingale Oh yes, despite the day's events, iron ore remained elusive. But with a formidable adversary bested and new acquaintances made, I suppose it ends in a draw!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Fantastic submission! I really enjoyed the descriptions.

That was quite the hefty heart-shot - 76,000 points of damage! And I wasn't expecting it to go flying up into the air on defeat.

Sturmer's avatar

Thanks! As you optimize your gear, the numbers start to jump really high, I think my new rifle now can score over 2 million damage on a single shot.

Dave's avatar

I don't think Ian will be winning! :)

Platform32's avatar

I will if I take Emmett with me and let him do all the hard work ;)

Dave's avatar

LOL, Yeah, I'm getting my version of Emmett to do the heavy lifting as well. Literally! they have no carry limit so they are hauling huge amounts of wood and stone at a time back to base for the tower challenge.

The stream was great by the way, I didn't realise you had your own channel these days! subscribed and looking forward to more.

Dave's avatar

Hold on a second!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Who knew Emmett had a side hustle? I think Platform32 should probably be checking their treasure chests to make sure Emmett hasn't been pilfering goods

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey folks. It looks like we're all going to need a little more time to tackle the Humbaba so we've extended this bounty by two and a half weeks.

Dave's avatar

Nice, I realised it's basically end game content after a while of looking and I'm assuming it was thought you could just find them around at any point when it was first set.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's right. We knew that the Humbaba could be activated with a series of Realm Cards, but getting those Realm Cards is taking longer than anticipated. I've personally been too busy adding a sky garden to my base to even think about tackling that monstrosity.


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