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Sturmer's avatar

Are you talking about lore/echo letters etc? Enemies never spawn upon clicking these objects, they spawn only as you open portals, approach occupied locations or start aid events.

Anyhow: Inventory - Guidebook - Codex. There you will find all messages

Dave's avatar

Yeah there was one right at the start that puts text on your screen, I think during opening a portal in the swamp tutorial. Then I'm just trying to do the Astrolable site of power, I picked something up that caused a paper of text to appear and must have done it at the same time some enemies were spawning in on the floor I was on. Other times I've been reading something and a pig comes up randomly or something like that. Maybe I need to pay attention to what's around me before hand.

Sturmer's avatar

Spawning takes some time, and then enemies sometimes need extra time to pathfind you. I usually clear the whole area before exploration and looting.


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