Inflexion Games launched Nightingale with three early-access Biomes: Forest, Swamp, and Desert. There's little doubt that more Biomes will be introduced, which raises the question: which do you want to see?
Perhaps you want frozen mountaintops surrounded by barren tundra or dense rainforests on low-lying archipelagos? The Realms are as limitless as your imagination so feel free to get creative. Heck, you could go for a volcanic realm blanketed in ash and sea salt or a Pandora-like world made of floating stone stacks perfect for umbrella rides and bridges. We'll stop now before we get carried away, but you should get as carried away as you like!
We're looking for a minimum of 50 words for this bounty. Be sure to describe your biome and justify your idea.
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$15 / 30
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