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Sturmer's avatar

Their loyalty and motivation was always a mystery for me!

Sturmer's avatar

My first companion, Nell, is a cat. Those who've read my previous posts know that our relationship is complex. We met when I first arrived in the Abeyance realm, while I was learning the essentials of realmwalker survival. Nell has the typical feline independence; she often does her own thing and disappears on whims, true to her cat nature.

Though Nell isn't one for sharing her past, we've recently developed a kind of silent understanding. Now, I can gently remind her, 'Nell, please don't throw anything flammable into the campfire,' or 'Nell, stop chopping down the beautiful trees in my garden.'

Despite the challenges, I've grown quite attached to her and wouldn't trade her for any other companion.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Agnes, our relationship is.... complicated...

She is like her namesake, my mother-in-law, they both mean well... by doing everything for you, even if you didn't ask for it, even if you don't need it. Throwing all the precious wood on the fire? Got you. Chopping down all the trees even around the base, making it a sight painful to the eyes? Got you. And of course when you do need her, she is nowhere to be found... so you can try to run after her with the speed of a snail, weighed down by the wood she chopped down but you had to pick it up, because she just left them and went after her next victim.

I tried to get rid of her a few times, took on a new companion and went back to my base dreading what my new employee will do... so then I sighed and dismissed them, and went to hire Agnes again, because at least I know what she will do... But she's not allowed the axe!

Limal's avatar

After a calamity struck humanity and all portals collapsed, I lost contact with my family and friends, leaving me isolated in the wild woods. Fortunately, I encountered Jeff, the chief mechanic in my father's garage and the son of our butler. Jeff and I grew up together, exploring the wilderness around our family mansion and finding ourselves in all sorts of adventures. Despite his origins as a servant's child, I have always respected and trusted him completely. Reuniting with Jeff was a stroke of luck; he is exactly the person I can rely on for survival. Together, we are ready to face any challenge that comes our way.


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